
Boxing Classes: How Usually Does a Workout Look Like?


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Boxing Training


Boxing, one of the world’s oldest combat sports, is a fantastic exercise. Why? as it tones every part of your body, concentrating mainly on your shoulders, arms, legs, and core, and strengthening your cardiovascular and muscular systems. Boxing, often seen as the “black sheep” of the fitness world since it was believed to be a sport exclusive to the world’s most fearsome men, has had a resurgence.

Boxing gyms come in many different forms these days; they may be as rough and tumble as the ones you may remember from the old Sylvester Stallone, Rocky movies, or they can be sleek, sophisticated, and high-end. The only decision you will need to make is which best suits your personality and personal preferences. Both will give you an excellent workout.

Ready to channel your inner Rocky? Keep reading!

Boxing Workout: What To Expect

You’ve decided to take control of your life and have signed up for your first boxing lesson. Congratulations! You are about to set off on an exciting trip that will test your resolve and force you to overcome obstacles. To put it mildly, beginning anything new may be scary. But remember that everyone has had a “first day” at some time, and these nervous sensations usually pass the minute you enter the club.

Here’s what to expect from your first boxing class:

Your First Class

For several reasons, it’s crucial that you come 15 to 30 minutes early on the day of your first boxing lesson. First and foremost, before you can attend the class, you will need to sign certain paperwork and liability documents, which are required for all boxing clubs, fitness programs, and boot camps. To assist you feel more at ease, the trainer will then want to give you a quick rundown of the gym. They will show you the location of the boxing equipment, the hydration station (where you can refuel your water bottle), and the locker rooms and facilities. The instructors at Robo Gym will also show you how to correctly wrap your hands for the first time.

Once your hands and wrists are wrapped, it’s GO time!


The majority of boxing courses last 60 minutes and are divided into three “rounds,” each of which consists of a vigorous aerobic warm-up, bodyweight exercises interspersed with boxing, and core work. These three rounds are really difficult and will leave you soaked in perspiration from head to toe. As a matter of fact, an hour-long boxing lesson may burn 500–1,000 calories. While every gym is unique and has a different layout, boxing rounds are usually performed with a heavy bag or by shadowboxing.

Typical Boxing Exercises

Before we jump right into what a regular boxing workout entails, let’s take a moment to discuss some of the exercises and their benefits!

Sprinting. The majority of boxers—roughly 99%—run every day. Running is, in fact, frequently the cornerstone of a boxing workout for a variety of reasons. It’s remarkable that the first has nothing to do with the physical side of things. Fighters will tell you that fighting is just as much, if not more, mentally taxing than it is physically. Mental toughness can be developed via running. You must exert yourself to meet your goals when you decide to run a certain amount of miles.

Running also helps with endurance. Your body needs to be able to accomplish what your mind commands it to do, even though your mind is extremely vital. You must ensure that your body is sufficiently trained to comply, even if you possess the willpower and mental fortitude to fight through a protracted conflict. Your body’s entire endurance, including that of your legs and lungs, will improve as you run your miles. It helps you stay in the game longer by teaching your body how to supply oxygen to your muscles.

Rope Jumping. Ahh, the jump rope! A traditional boxing workout! You should absolutely anticipate using the jump rope during your boxing exercise. This basic training tool teaches fighters how to be agile with their footwork and helps them maintain their pivot throughout the fight. It will make you stay quick off the mark, which is essential for boxing. Do you still need an excuse to jump rope? It’s simply plain enjoyable, particularly as you become proficient.

Shadowboxing. Shadowboxing is the place where habits reside, both negative and positive ones. To ensure that you are acquiring positive behaviors and that shadowboxing is done correctly, there are a few things you should do.

Always aim to throw as hard as you can. This calls for punching with force and speed rather than sloppiness or indolence. If you are not always giving it your all, you will develop the incorrect kinds of behaviors. Moreover, you should check if your feet and head are moving. Stop throwing punches and concentrate just on your footwork and head movement. Great boxers like Floyd Mayweather and Guillermo Rigondeaux are frequently seen engaging in this. Consider whether the punch you just threw was the hardest or fastest you could have at the end of each combo. Throw harder and quicker the next time if the response is no.

You can develop the proper reflexes in your systems via shadowboxing. Additionally, it will improve your coordination and let you to deliver blows with enough force to knock the other person out without unbalancing you when you miss. Although shadowboxing can be difficult at times, fantastic trainers are available at gyms like Robo Gym to assist!

Bulky Sack. Nothing in life is more tempting than food, wealth, or celebrity. It’s attempting to avoid hitting a heavy bag as it passes by! The most enjoyable way to hit anything without getting into trouble is probably punching a heavy bag, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a useful piece of exercise equipment. Apart from improving endurance, balance, speed, and range, heavy bag training is fantastic for building strength. This is the best part for improving form and punching power since you get to unload and hit the bag as hard as you can. Every boxing exercise should include working with the heavy bag, practicing combos, and honing your combination of power, speed, and the form of your punches.

Strengthening exercises. Every boxing lesson includes strength training as part of the exercise routine. The physique of a fighter must be able to both absorb and deliver punishment. The misconception that strength training entails lifting enormous weights and developing into a gigantic bodybuilder is completely unfounded!

Any workout that involves resistance—whether it be your own body weight, weights, or equipment with resistance—should be thought of as strength training. This kind of exercise could include crunches, wall balls, pushups, squats, and light-to-medium weight dumbbell lifts. Strength training improves your bones, muscles, and joints, allowing you to get more out of your workouts. Boxing gyms like Robo Gym recognize this benefit.

Putting It All Together

Now that you understand the components of a boxing workout, here is a brief synopsis of an average boxing workout you may do at home. You can modify it based on your desired fit, and don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. We assure you that perspiration will occur.



10 minutes jump rope

15 squats

15 pushups

30 crunches



3-minute round: Basic jab, cross, and hook punches

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 5X


Heavy bag workout: basic combinations

3-minute round

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 5X



10 pushups

10 jump squats

1-minute plank

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 5X



Stretch for 5 minutes


Try three rounds instead of five if you’re not used to this level of intensity, and take a full minute off in between. Give it your best shot during the first 20 seconds. Make sure you pace yourself.


Boxing is a fantastic way to increase heart rate and blood flow. Your entire body, including your heart, lungs, shoulders, and legs, will be toned by it. Boxing is a terrific option if you want to have fun and significantly improve your fitness level while also changing your life.

Look for a great boxing club like Robo Gym to help give your confidence a boost, find your mental clarity, and achieve your fitness goals. Trust us – you’ll be glad you did!

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